Varaždinska Street 48, Babinec  |  Phone: 042/208-693

Vladimira Nazora Street 49, Vinica  |  Mobile: 0998115477

Ivan Perković Square 25, Varaždin  |  Phone: 042/639-775

Petra's bakery celebrated the fifth anniversary of its work

The offer of bakery products was supplemented by pastries and cakes. Five years ago, Petra and Mladen Dobrotić from Babinec established a company PIM Ltd. and within this framework they opened a Bakery in autumn, in which the wedded couple started to work, as well as Mladen’s brother Marijan. At the beginning, the bakery products were sold in their own premises but sometime later, their bakery products could be found in other stores, too. Gradually the range of production has expanded and these days the Petra’s Bakery produces not only the fresh bread and rolls, but also pastries and cakes, which supplemented the Petra’s offer. The number of shops increased and the number of employees has risen from initial 3 to 18.
A fifth anniversary celebration of the business, which also included the celebration of the World Bread Day, was held on Sunday, October 23rd and the celebration in company's own premises started in the morning hours. There was occasional gift waiting for every customer and visitor and the warm atmosphere was provided by the musical society of Cestica „Kormorani“, with the performances by Mirko Juričinec, Josip Vočanec, Franjo Vuzem and Josip Škvorc. That lovely morning a hard-working personnel of Petra’s bakery offered the visitors coffee, and besides the bread rolls “Cestica sticks”, the guests were able to enjoy cookies and a glass of brandy or spirit, prepared for the elderly and adults.

A fifth anniversary celebration of the business was held in the afternoon hours in the hall of V.F.D. Babinec. The guests and visitors were welcomed by Petra and Mladen, who were joined by other employees, their children Petar and Klara, as well as grandparents Danica, Josipa and Lovro.

The ceremony was attended by the representatives of the Municipality of Cestica; the Mayor Mirko Korotaj and his deputy Josip Borak and the county councillors Barbara Antolić Vupora i Darko Majhen, as well as the representatives of associations and companies with whom Petra's Bakery cooperates. In the keynote address Mr. Mladen Dobrotić remembered the history of the company: In autumn 2006 in Petra’s Bakery the first bakery products were baked. In these days the three people were employed: me, my wife Petra and my brother Marijan. Back then our products were sold only in our own business building in Babinec. Thanks to quality of our products and satisfaction of our customers, demand for our products has risen so we expanded the assortment of our products, increased production and entered many stores, schools, homes and restaurants in our environment. We employed new staff and due to the business range enlargement in 2009, we have expanded our bakery and introduced HASAP –Mladen highlighted and added: After five business years we have baked 3,3 million bakery products. At the present level of production we spend 250 tons of flour per year, which makes us very proud and content. We have achieved this with our work and efforts of our employees, without any kind of state support. All our shops are equipped with furniture of the KTD Company and recently, our production range was supplemented with assortment of pastries. We hope, in spite of all difficulties, to conduct a successful business in future and through that to make our contribution to the development of our region.

The Mayor Mirko Korotaj also extended his congratulations to the Dobrotić Family for conducting a successful business, highlighting that in Babinec exist a couple of prosperous family businesses and among them Petra’s bakery is one of the most successful. We know that it is difficult to succeed in the home town, but this is exactly where Petra’s bakery achieved considerable success and has proven itself in the market, which without family support would have been difficult to achieve. Congratulations on your courage to establish an own company. I invite the rest of you to start an own business and ensure existence and wages for you and your employees, as Petra’s bakery has done, becoming a role model for everyone.

In the Culture and Art Program, Križarice in composition of Irena Jamnik, Marija Obadić, Evica Lazar, Anka Horvat, Josipa Spevan and Marta Šobak, with support by Stanko Rodeš in the last part of the programme, presented themselves first. Recitation about the baker was performed by Petar Dobrotić, the son of the business owner, and the singing and dancing programme of the Cultural Club Cestica followed after him.

This was followed by lunch for two hundred people who filled the hall of V.F.D. Babinec. Among other delicacies, there were various cakes from the company’s assortment, such as walnut roll, poppy seed roll, “Madjarica” or Hungarian Lady Layer Cake, cheese pie and others. Along with soup and several types of meat and side dishes that were served as a main dish, prepared by the culinary team from Petrijanec, there was also one of the many types of bread from well-known Petra's bakery. In addition to top-quality bakery and pastry products, there were also juices and quality wine prepared by Dobrotić Family for their guests, business partners and friends, which quenched the thirst of many, mostly male friends.

A band „Elixir“and its members Mario Šoštarić, Saša Vučak and Milivoj Kereži took care for the good mood. The parents Petra and Mladen were joined by three years old Klara and other friends on the dance floor. Petra's bakery pays great attention to the preservation of old recipes and preparation of bakery products from wheat, corn and rye flour. That’s why a lavish festive menu was enriched by traditional cheese Strudel, irresistible even for those who are on a diet. Fifth anniversary celebration was also sweetened with two celebratory cakes - fruit and chocolate, prepared by Sandra Rugani and her team, and traditionally, the first slices were cut and tasted by first employees Petra, Mladen and Marijan.

At the entrance to the hall was displayed a table with rich assortment of bakery products, and the celebration of the World Bread Day and the fifth anniversary of the company lasted until the evening. It only remains for us to wish the employees and owners of the Petra's bakery many products and great success in the year ahead, to the delight of consumers and employees of the PIM Company.

On the celebration day, Petra’s bakery employed Karmen Ščuric, Sandra Rugani, Jasminka Hrgarek, Petra Dobrotić, Mladen Dobrotić, Marijan Dobrotić, Nevenka Dobrotić, Damira Sobota, Toni Prepeplić, Danica Juričinec, Zoran Banfić, Valerija Rožman, Tomislav Spevan, Maja Hip, Krunoslav Henčić, Marina Vnuk and Zlatko Gazdić (missing Nikolina Đunđek who is on maternity leave), pictured from left to right.

The photographs show the part of the celebratory atmosphere.


  • Thursday, 17 April 2014 Petra's Bakery hosted a fire drill
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  • Monday, 24 October 2011 Petra's bakery celebrated the fifth anniversary of its work
    Petra's bakery celebrated the fifth anniversary of its work The offer of bakery products was supplemented by pastries and cakes. Five years ago, Petra and Mladen Dobrotić from Babinec established a company PIM Ltd. and within this framework they opened a Bakery in autumn, in which the wedded couple started to work, as well as Mladen’s brother Marijan. At the beginning, the bakery products were sold in their own premises but sometime later, their bakery products could be found in other stores, too. Gradually the range of production has expanded and these days the Petra’s Bakery produces not only the fresh bread and rolls, but also pastries and cakes, which supplemented the Petra’s offer. The number of shops increased and the number of employees has risen from initial 3 to 18. Read more...
  • Monday, 11 December 2006 A baker’s shop opened in Babinec
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